Saturday, January 5, 2013


Welcome to KITC! I am a kindergarten teacher in a large urban school district where failing is, sadly, the norm for our schools and our students. I work my hardest every day to ensure that my students don't become a part of my city's sad statistics. 

I have thought about starting a blog for a long time, but the task seemed so daunting! I read so many amazing blogs where teachers share the fabulous things they are doing with their students, and I couldn't imagine that I could compare to these teachers. What changed my mind was really just the excitement over what I am teaching! Over the course of this school year I have changed my literacy stations and started a new way of teaching math, and I am so excited about both of these changes! 

While I don't know that anyone will ever even read this blog (I don't intend to put it on social media; I would like to remain anonymous), I can't help the excitement I feel over sharing the things I am doing with my students.

If you are reading this, it means somehow you did come across this blog. Please feel free to leave comments so I know what I can do to make reading this blog a positive experience for you!

I can't commit to posting a certain numbers of time per week, per month, etc. Nor can I promise to always post things that are up-to-date. I do promise that I will try my best to share the things that worked well for my students, in the hopes that someone else will find them helpful as well. And I promise to always give credit where credit is due, as I use many things that I find on Pinterest, TpT, and other teacher's blogs. 

Enjoy your time here at KITC!

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